Object Manipulation

Widening the look upon the objects that surround us, the proposal of the activity is to transfigurate the daily objects in manipulation instruments and powerful scene devices. This workshop was developed for circus artists, actors, dancers and scholars of Scenic Arts in general that aim new tools for non-verbal communication. Mixing juggling techniques with pedagogical approachs from physical theater, the participants are invited to seek for a personal way of expression using this conventionalobjects.

The support for the creation process comes from the study of classic and modern juggling, relating their properties with concepts about corporal movement, also using the space and exploring different planes and speeds. The technical subjects about object manipulation are addressed in the inquiry of scenic possibilities, where the construction and deconstruction of the meaning of objects are developed by means of improvisation games. It is also included in the activity the exploration of methodologies for scene writing, directed for clear and objective communication as well as for subjective communication, respecting the artistic language and technical baggage for each participant. Ultimately, the goal of this workshop is to provide a new repertoire of knowledge, developing new ways of physical expression that can be adapted for the personal universe of each one.


Workload: 3h, 6h or 9 hours.

Target Audience: Students, professionals and enthusiasts of scenic arts.

Number of Participants: 15 people.

Clothing: confortable clothes.

Technical Needs: 2m²/student of physical space with a plan and smooth surface.